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Vietnamese embroidery painting with sighseeing 25x30cm Vietnamese embroidery painting with sighseeing 25x30cm An embroidered picture is made not merely about the needle but it also marks the ups and downs of time. Through an embroidered picture, the viewer can see the profound value that it brings: the rustic, simple beauty of the Vietnamese people, the cultural identity of the country or the enthusiasm of the artist. P000045 Vietnamese embroidery painting 280.000 VND Quantity: 10 Set

  • Vietnamese embroidery painting with sighseeing 25x30cm

  • Post on 12-02-2024 11:40:41 PM - 162 Views
  • Product code: P000045
  • Price: 280.000 VND

  • An embroidered picture is made not merely about the needle but it also marks the ups and downs of time. Through an embroidered picture, the viewer can see the profound value that it brings: the rustic, simple beauty of the Vietnamese people, the cultural identity of the country or the enthusiasm of the artist.

Quantity: 10 Set
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